唐华美 教授/硕导 学科(方向):病理与病理生理学/结直肠癌 所在医院:厦门大学附属翔安医院 TEL: 0592-2889518 Email:tanghuamei2014@163.com Profile: | 
擅长肿瘤病理诊断,尤其是消化系统肿瘤诊断,主要从事结直肠癌分子病理的基础及临床研究。基础研究包括Wnt/β-catenin 通路在促进结肠癌恶变进程的作用及分子机制,MSI2 参与结直肠癌发生进展作用及其靶向调控结直肠癌肿瘤微环境中组织浸润性FOXP3hi Treg 细胞的免疫稳态。临床研究包括常规病理诊断、免疫组化、分子病理及细胞学诊断都有着丰富经验,并承担院内外疑难病理切片会诊及术中快速冰冻诊断。
1978.2~1982.12青海纽约国际手机登录医疗系 医学学士
1990.9~1993.7同济医科大学人体解剖学专业 医学硕士
2019.2~至今, 厦门大学,纽约国际手机登录-翔安医院, 病理科, 教授、主任医师
2017.5~2019.2, 厦门大学,纽约国际手机登录-翔安医院, 病理科, 主任医师
Tingting Liu, Xisheng Liu, Meng Zhang, Xueni Liu, Fuxiang Zhu, Fangming Zhu, Siwen Ouyang, Shanbao Li, Chenlong Song, Humin Sun, Su Lu,Yu Zhang, Jun Lin, Huamei Tang, Zhihai Peng. Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein is a prognostic factor and biomarker of colon cancer and promotes cell proliferation by activating the Akt pathway , Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2018.06, 144(6): 1049-1063
Yang Han, Su Lu, Fudong Yu, Xisheng Liu, Huimin Sun, Jingtao Wang, Xingwu Zhu, Huijun Lu, Yue Hao, Jing Wang, Jun Lin, Chongzhi Zhou, Huamei Tang, Zhihai Peng. A comparative analysis and guidance for individualized chemotherapy of stage II and III colorectal cancer patients based on pathological markers, Scientific reports, 2016.11.15, 6(37240)
Huimin Sun, Yushuai Mi, Fudong Yu, Yang Han, Xisheng Liu, Su Lu, Yu Zhang, Senlin Zhao, Ling Ye, Tingting Liu, Daohua Yang, Xiaofeng Sun, Xuebin Qin, Zongguang Zhou, Huamei Tang, Zhihai Peng.SERPINA4 is a novel independent prognostic indicator and a potential therapeutic target for colorectal cancer , American Journal of Cancer Research, 2016, 6(8): 1636-1649
Yu Zhang, Meng Zhang, Pudong Yu, Su Lu, Huimin Sun, Huamei Tang, Zhihai Peng. Karyopherin alpha 2 is a novel prognostic marker and a potential therapeutic target for colon cancer , Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, 2015.12.1, 34(1)
Meng Zhang, Feifei Cui, Su Lu, Huijun Lu, Yingming Xue, Jingtao Wang, Jian Chen, Senlin Zhao, Shaofei Ma, Yu Zhang, Yang Yu, Zhihai Peng, Huamei Tang. Developmental pluripotency-associated 4: a novel predictor for prognosis and a potential therapeutic target for colon cancer , Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, 2015.06.11, 34(1)
国家自然科学基金面上项目:MSI2靶向调控结直肠癌组织浸润性FOXP3hi Treg 细胞稳态及机理研究(81972216)
韩杨; 陆苏; 彭志海; 唐华美, 一种用于夹取活检组织的夹持镊, 2016.12.28,中国, CN201620655507.5
1.Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein is a prognostic factor and biomarker of colon cancer and promotes cell proliferation by activating the Akt pathway. DOI: 10.1007/s00432-018-2626-4.https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00432-018-2626-4
2.A comparative analysis and guidance for individualized chemotherapy of stage II and III colorectal cancer patients based on pathological markers. DOI: 10.1038/srep37240. https://www.nature.com/articles/srep37240
3. SERPINA4 is a novel independent prognostic indicator and a potential therapeutic target for colorectal cancer. PMCID: PMC5004069.
4. Karyopherin alpha 2 is a novel prognostic marker and a potential therapeutic target for colon cancer. DOI: 10.1186/s13046-015-0261-3
5. Developmental pluripotency-associated 4: a novel predictor for prognosis and a potential therapeutic target for colon cancer. DOI: 10.1186/s13046-015-0176-z