沙艳伟 福建省高层次人才,博士生导师 学科(方向):生殖医学/男性生殖 所在医院:厦门大学附属妇女儿童医院 TEL: 0592-2663696 Email: shayanwei928@126.com |
本课题组致力于精子发生异常导致男性不育遗传学病因和发病机制研究,近期在The New England Journal of Medicine、The American Journal of Human Genet、Fertility and Sterility、Journal of Medical Genetics 等国际学术期刊上发表系列研究论文,解析了多个基因与精子发生异常相关。课题组主要利用人类遗传学样本结合动物模型和多组学分析等新兴研究手段,深入研究精子发生异常导致男性不育的病因及分子机制,为男性不育临床诊疗和指导优生优育,提供了理论依据和应用基础。主要研究方向包括:
1. 无精子症、少精子症、弱精子症、畸形精子症的致病基因及分子机制。
2. 精子膜及受体异常导致不受精的致病基因及分子机制。
3. 早期胚胎发育停滞的致病基因及分子机制研究。
4. 反复自然流产及胚胎植入前遗传学检测技术防治研究。
2002~2005 吉林大学 硕士研究生。
2000~2002 吉林大学白求恩医学部 临床医学。
2020~至今 厦门大学附属妇女儿童医院,副教授。
2016~至今,厦门市妇幼保健院 副主任医师。
2012~2016,厦门市妇幼保健院 主治医师。
2006~2012,厦门市妇幼保健院 住院医师。
1. Sha Y, Li L, Yin C.Defective piRNA Processing and Azoospermia.N Engl J Med. 2022 Apr 28;386(17):1675.
2. Tan C, Meng L, Lv M, He X, Sha Y, Tang D, Tan Y, Hu T, He W, Tu C, Nie H, Zhang H, Du J, Lu G, Fan LQ, Cao Y, Lin G, Tan YQ.Bi-allelic variants in DNHD1 cause flagellar axoneme defects and asthenoteratozoospermia in humans and mice.Am J Hum Genet.2022 Jan 6;109(1):157-171.
3. Liu W, Wei X, Liu X, Chen G, Zhang X, Liang X, Isachenko V, Sha Y, Wang Y.Biallelic mutations in ARMC12 cause asthenozoospermia and multiple midpiece defects in humans and mice.J. Med Genet. 2022 May 9:jmedgenet-2021-108137. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2021-108137.
4. Sha Y, Yang X, Mei L, Ji Z, Wang X, Ding L, Li P, Yang S.DNAH1 gene mutations and their potential association with dysplasia of the sperm fibrous sheath and infertility in the Han Chinese population.Fertil Steril.
2017 Jun;107(6):1312-1318.e2.
5. Liu C, Miyata H, Gao Y, Sha Y, Tang S, Xu Z, Whitfield M, Patrat C, Wu H, Dulioust E, Tian S, Shimada K, Cong J, Noda T, Li H, Morohoshi A, Cazin C, Kherraf ZE, Arnoult C, Jin L, He X, Ray PF, Cao Y, Touré A, Zhang F, Ikawa M.Bi-allelic DNAH8 Variants Lead to Multiple Morphological Abnormalities of the Sperm Flagella and Primary Male Infertility.Am J Hum Genet. 2020 Aug 6;107(2):330-341.
6. Sha Y, Wei X, Ding L, Ji Z, Mei L, Huang X, Su Z, Wang W, Zhang X, Lin S.Biallelic mutations of CFAP74 may cause human primary ciliary dyskinesia and MMAF phenotype.J Hum Genet. 2020 Nov;65(11):961-
7. Liu W, Sha Y, Li Y, Mei L, Lin S, Huang X, Lu J, Ding L, Kong S, Lu Z.Loss-of-function mutations in SPEF2 cause multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF).J Med Genet. 2019 Oct;56(10):678-684.
8. Sha YW, Wang X, Xu X, Ding L, Liu WS, Li P, Su ZY, Chen J, Mei LB, Zheng LK, Wang HL, Kong SB, You M, Wu JF.Biallelic mutations in PMFBP1 cause acephalic spermatozoa.Clin Genet. 2019 Feb;95(2):277-
1.一种 MMAF 新致病基因及其应用,专利号:201710495512.3,授权时间:2020.02。
2.一种 MMAF 致病基因新突变及其应用,专利号:201710866969.0,授权时间:2020.02。
1.福建省高层次人才, 2021年。
1. Sha Y, Li L, Yin C.Defective piRNA Processing and Azoospermia.N Engl J Med. 2022 Apr 28;386(17):1675. PMID: 35476665
2. Tan C, Meng L, Lv M, He X, Sha Y, Tang D, Tan Y, Hu T, He W, Tu C, Nie H, Zhang H, Du J, Lu G, Fan LQ, Cao Y, Lin G, Tan YQ.Bi-allelic variants in DNHD1 cause flagellar axoneme defects and asthenoteratozoospermia in humans and mice.Am J Hum Genet.2022 Jan 6;109(1):157-171.PMID: 34932939
3. Liu W, Wei X, Liu X, Chen G, Zhang X, Liang X, Isachenko V, Sha Y, Wang Y.Biallelic mutations in ARMC12 cause asthenozoospermia and multiple midpiece defects in humans and mice.J. Med Genet. 2022 May 9:jmedgenet-2021-108137. PMID:35534203
4. Chen Y, Chen X, Zhang H, Sha Y, Meng R, Shao T, Yang X, Jin P, Zhuang Y, Min W, Xu D, Jiang Z, Li Y, Li L, Yue W, Yin C.TBC1D21 is an essential factor for sperm mitochondrial sheath assembly and male fertility.Biol Reprod. 2022 Aug 9;107(2):619-634. PMID: 35403672
5. Sha Y, Liu W, Li L, Serafimovski M, Isachenko V, Li Y, Chen J, Zhao B, Wang Y, Wei X.Pathogenic Variants in ACTRT1 Cause Acephalic Spermatozoa Syndrome.Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Aug 6;9:676246.PMID: 34422805
6. Wei X, Liu W, Zhu X, Li Y, Zhang X, Chen J, Isachenko V, Sha Y, Lu Z.Biallelic mutations in KATNAL2 cause male infertility due to oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia.Clin Genet. 2021 Oct;100(4):376-385.
PMID: 34096614
7. Tang D, Sha Y, Gao Y, Zhang J, Cheng H, Zhang J, Ni X, Wang C, Xu C, Geng H, He X, Cao Y.Novel variants in DNAH9 lead to nonsyndromic severe asthenozoospermia.Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2021 Feb 20;19(1):27. PMID: 33610189
8. Wei X, Sha Y, Wei Z, Zhu X, He F, Zhang X, Liu W, Wang Y, Lu Z.Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai).Bi-allelic mutations in DNAH7 cause asthenozoospermia by impairing the integrality of axoneme structure.2021 Oct 12;53(10):1300-1309.PMID: 34476482
9. Sha Y, Sha Y, Liu W, Zhu X, Weng M, Zhang X, Wang Y, Zhou H.Clin Genet.Biallelic mutations of CFAP58 are associated with multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella.2021 Mar;99(3):443-448.PMID: 33314088
10. Sha Y, Liu W, Wei X, Zhu X, Tang B, Zhang X, Yang X, Wang Y, Wang X.Clin Genet. Pathogenic variants of ATG4D in infertile men with non-obstructive azoospermia identified using whole-exome sequencing.
2021 Sep;100(3):280-291.PMID: 33988247
11. Weng M, Sha Y, Zeng YU, Huang N, Liu W, Zhang X, Zhou H.Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai).Mutations in DNAH8 contribute to multiple morphological abnormalities of sperm flagella and male infertility.2021 Mar 26;53(4):472-480. PMID: 33704367
12. Gao Y, Tian S, Sha Y, Zha X, Cheng H, Wang A, Liu C, Lv M, Ni X, Li Q, Wu H, Tan Q, Tang D, Song B, Ding D, Cong J, Xu Y, Zhou P, Wei Z, Cao Y, Xu Y, Zhang F, He X.Novel bi-allelic variants in DNAH2 cause severe asthenoteratozoospermia with multiple morphological abnormalities of the flagella.Reprod Biomed Online. 2021 May;42(5):963-972. PMID: 33771466
13. Li Y, Sha Y, Wei Z, Liu W, Mei L, Hong Y, Jiang L, Ge Y, Xie Y.A familial analysis of two brothers with azoospermia caused by maternal 46,Y, t(X; 1) (q28; q21) chromosomal abnormality.Andrologia. 2021 Feb;53(1):e13867.PMID: 33141951
14. Liu C, Miyata H, Gao Y, Sha Y, Tang S, Xu Z, Whitfield M, Patrat C, Wu H, Dulioust E, Tian S, Shimada K, Cong J, Noda T, Li H, Morohoshi A, Cazin C, Kherraf ZE, Arnoult C, Jin L, He X, Ray PF, Cao Y, Touré A, Zhang F, Ikawa M.Bi-allelic DNAH8 Variants Lead to Multiple Morphological Abnormalities of the Sperm Flagella and Primary Male Infertility..Am J Hum Genet. 2020 Aug 6;107(2):330-341. PMID: 32619401
15. Ye Y, Wei X, Sha Y, Li N, Yan X, Cheng L, Qiao D, Zhou W, Wu R, Liu Q, Li Y.Loss-of-function mutation in TSGA10 causes acephalic spermatozoa phenotype in human.Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2020 Jul;8(7):e1284.PMID: 32410354
16. Sha Y, Wei X, Ding L, Mei L, Huang X, Lin S, Su Z, Kong L, Zhang Y, Ji Z.DNAH17 is associated with asthenozoospermia and multiple morphological abnormalities of sperm flagella.Ann Hum Genet. 2020 May;84(3):271-279. PMID: 31841227
17. Sha Y, Wang X, Yuan J, Zhu X, Su Z, Zhang X, Xu X, Wei X.Loss-of-function mutations in centrosomal protein 112 is associated with human acephalic spermatozoa phenotype.Clin Genet. 2020 Feb;97(2):321-328.PMID: 31654588
18. Sha Y, Wei X, Ding L, Ji Z, Mei L, Huang X, Su Z, Wang W, Zhang X, Lin S.Biallelic mutations of CFAP74 may cause human primary ciliary dyskinesia and MMAF phenotype.J Hum Genet. 2020 Nov;65(11):961-969. PMID: 32555313
19. Li Y, Sha Y, Wei Z, Liu W, Mei L, Hong Y, Jiang L, Ge Y, Xie Y.A familial analysis of two brothers with azoospermia caused by maternal 46,Y, t(X; 1) (q28; q21) chromosomal abnormality.Andrologia. 2021 Feb;53(1):e13867.PMID: 33141951
20. Ge Y, Sha Y, Cai M, Chen X, Sha Y, Xu X.Pedigree analysis of two brothers with severe oligozoospermia caused by maternal inv(X) (p22.3, q22) chromosome abnormality.Andrologia. 2020 Jul;52(6):e13602. PMID: 32352591
21. Sha YW, Wang X, Xu X, Ding L, Liu WS, Li P, Su ZY, Chen J, Mei LB, Zheng LK, Wang HL, Kong SB, You M, Wu JF.Biallelic mutations in PMFBP1 cause acephalic spermatozoa.Clin Genet. 2019 Feb;95(2):277-286. PMID: 30298696
22. Wang X, Sha YW, Wang WT, Cui YQ, Chen J, Yan W, Hou XT, Mei LB, Yu CC, Wang J.Novel IFT140 variants cause spermatogenic dysfunction in humans.Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2019 Sep;7(9):e920. .PMID: 31397098
23. Sha Y, Wang X, Yuan J, Zhu X, Su Z, Zhang X, Xu X, Wei X.Loss-of-function mutations in centrosomal protein 112 is associated with human acephalic spermatozoa phenotype.Clin Genet. 2020 Feb;97(2):321-328. PMID: 31654588
24. Sha Y, Liu W, Huang X, Li Y, Ji Z, Mei L, Lin S, Kong S, Lu J, Kong L, Zhu X, Lu Z, Ding L.EIF4G1 is a novel candidate gene associated with severe asthenozoospermia.Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2019 Aug;7(8):e807. PMID: 31268247
25. Sha Y, Ma D, Zhang N, Wei X, Liu W, Wang X.Novel NOG (p.P42S) mutation causes proximal symphalangism in a four-generation Chinese family.BMC Med Genet. 2019 Aug 1;20(1):133. PMID: 31370824
26. Liu W, Sha Y, Li Y, Mei L, Lin S, Huang X, Lu J, Ding L, Kong S, Lu Z.Loss-of-function mutations in SPEF2 cause multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF).J Med Genet. 2019 Oct;56(10):678-684. PMID: 31151990
27. Li Y, Sha Y, Wang X, Ding L, Liu W, Ji Z, Mei L, Huang X, Lin S, Kong S, Lu J, Qin W, Zhang X, Zhuang J, Tang Y, Lu Z.DNAH2 is a novel candidate gene associated with multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella.Clin Genet. 2019 May;95(5):590-600
.PMID: 30811583
28. Sha YW, Wang X, Xu X, Su ZY, Cui Y, Mei LB, Huang XJ, Chen J, He XM, Ji ZY, Bao H, Yang X, Li P, Li L.Novel Mutations in CFAP44 and CFAP43 Cause Multiple Morphological Abnormalities of the Sperm Flagella (MMAF).Reprod Sci. 2019 Jan;26(1):26-34. PMID: 29277146
29. Sha Y, Xu Y, Wei X, Liu W, Mei L, Lin S, Ji Z, Wang X, Su Z, Qiu P, Chen J, Wang X.CCDC9 is identified as a novel candidate gene of severe asthenozoospermia.Syst Biol Reprod Med. 2019 Dec;65(6):465-473
.PMID: 31502483
30. Sha Y, Liu W, Wei X, Zhu X, Luo X, Liang L, Guo T.Biallelic mutations in Sperm flagellum 2 cause human multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF) phenotype.Clin Genet. 2019 Nov;96(5):385-393.PMID: 31278745
31. Sha YW, Wang X, Su ZY, Mei LB, Ji ZY, Bao H, Li P.Patients with multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella harbouring CFAP44 or CFAP43 mutations have a good pregnancy outcome following intracytoplasmic sperm injection.Andrologia. 2019 Feb;51(1):e13151. PMID: 30251428
32. Sha Y, Zheng L, Ji Z, Mei L, Ding L, Lin S, Wang X, Yang X, Li P.A novel TEX11 mutation induces azoospermia: a case report of infertile brothers and literature review.BMC Med Genet. 2018 Apr 16;19(1):63. PMID: 29661171
33. Sha YW, Xu X, Ji ZY, Lin SB, Wang X, Qiu PP, Zhou Y, Mei LB, Su ZY, Li L, Li P.Genetic contribution of SUN5 mutations to acephalic spermatozoa in Fujian China.Gene. 2018 Mar 20;647:221-225. PMID: 29331481
34. Sha YW, Wang X, Su ZY, Wang C, Ji ZY, Mei LB, Zhang L, Deng BB, Huang XJ, Yan W, Chen J, Li P, Cui YQ, Qu QL, Yin C, He XM.TDRD6 is associated with oligoasthenoteratozoospermia by sequen
cing the patient from a consanguineous family..Gene. 2018 Jun 15;659:84
-88. PMID: 29551503
35. Sha YW, Xu X, Ji ZY, Mei LB, Qiu PP, Ji H, Li P, Li L, Liu WW.Sperm-egg fusion disorder in a Chinese male patient was associated with arare ADAM20 variant.Oncotarget. 2017 Dec 16;9(2):2086-2091. PMID: 29416755
36. Sha YW, Mei LB, Ji ZY, Ding L, Ge Y, Wu Q, Kong H, Su ZY, Li P.Two cases of complex balanced autosomal translocations associated with severe oligozoospermia.Gene. 2018 Jul 15;663:126-130. PMID: 29684482
37. Li L, Sha YW, Su ZY, Mei LB, Ji ZY, Zhang Q, Lin SB, Wang X, Qiu PP, Li P, Yin C.A novel mutation in HAUS7 results in severe oligozoospermia in two brothers.Gene. 2018 Jan 10;639:106-110. PMID: 29017965
38. Sha YW, Ding L, Ji ZY, Ge YS, Kong H, Zhang Q, Zhou YL, Li P.Diagnosis of a Chinese man with 45,X/46,X,i(Y)(q10)/47,X,i(Y) (q10) ×2 mosaic Turner syndrome.Asian J Androl. 2018 Mar-Apr;20(2):205-
207. PMID: 28091398
39. Sha YW, Mei LB, Zheng LK, Tian RH, Ding L, Ji ZY, Zhang Q, Li P.Globozoospermic infertility associated with balanced DPY19L2 transl
ocation/gene deletion at the chromosomal breakpoint.Asian J Androl. 2018 Mar;20(2):210-211. PMID: 28272055
40. Wang X, Jin HR, Cui YQ, Chen J, Sha YW, Gao ZL.Case study of a patient with cryptozoospermia associated with a recessive TEX15 nonse
41. nse mutation.Asian J Androl. 2018 Jan;20(1):101-102. PMID: 2830
42. Jin BF, Ji ZY, Su ZY, Mei LB, Huang XJ, Lin SB, Li P, Sha YW.Identification of a novel mutation in FGFR1 gene in patients with Kallmann syndrome by high throughput sequencing.Syst Biol Reprod Med. 2018 Jun;64(3):202-206. PMID: 29658329
43. Sha YK, Sha YW, Mei LB, Huang XJ, Wang X, Lin SB, Li L, Li P.Use of targeted sequence capture and high-throughput sequencing identifies a novel PKD1 mutation involved in adult polycystic kidney disease.Gene. 2017 Nov 15;634:1-4. PMID: 28870863
44. Sha Y, Yang X, Mei L, Ji Z, Wang X, Ding L, Li P, Yang S.DNAH1 gene mutations and their potential association with dysplasia of the sperm fibrous sheath and infertility in the Han Chinese population.Fertil Steril. 2017 Jun;107(6):1312-1318.e2. PMID: 28577616
45. Li L, Sha Y, Wang X, Li P, Wang J, Kee K, Wang B.Whole-exome sequencing identified a homozygous BRDT mutation in a patient with acephalic spermatozoa.Oncotarget. 2017 Mar 21;8(12):19914-19922. 15251.PMID: 28199965
46. Sha Y, Sha Y, Ji Z, Ding L, Zhang Q, Ouyang H, Lin S, Wang X, Shao L, Shi C, Li P, Song Y.Comprehensive Genome Profiling of Single Sperm Cells by Multiple Annealing and Looping-Based Amplification Cycles and Next-Generation Sequencing from Carriers of Robertsonian Translocation.Ann Hum Genet. 2017 Mar;81(2):91-97. PMID: 28205220
47. Sha YW, Xu X, Mei LB, Li P, Su ZY, He XQ, Li L.A homozygous CEP135 mutation is associated with multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF).Gene. 2017 Oct 30;633:48-53.PMID: 28866084
48. Sha YW, Zhang Q, Ding L, Li P.First successful pregnancy outcome after intracytoplasmic sperm injection with short-tailed sperm from an infertile Han Chinese man.Asian J Androl. 2017 Sep;19(5):613-614.PM
ID: 27427550
49. Sha YW, Sha YK, Ding L, Lin SB, Ji ZY, Wang X, Song YQ, Li P. Asuccessful pregnancy by intracytoplasmic sperm injection using ejaculate sperm from an infertile man with 46, XX/46, XY true hermaphrodite.Asian J Androl. 2017 Nov-Dec;19(6):721-722. PMID: 27905326
50. Zong C, Sha Y, Xiang H, Wang J, Chen D, Liu J, Wang B, Cao Y.Glutathione S-transferase A1 polymorphism and the risk of recurrent spontaneous abortion in Chinese Han population.J Assist Reprod Genet. 2014 Mar;31(3):379-82. PMID: 24390679
51. Sha YW, Ding L, Li P.Management of primary ciliary dyskinesia/Kar
tagener's syndrome in infertile male patients and current progress in defining the underlying genetic mechanism.Asian J Androl. 2014 ;16(1):
101-6.PMID: 24369140
2.邢金春(主编 )沙艳伟 (参编),男科急症速查手册,湖北科学技术出版社,2020 年 12 月。
3.孙建明(主编),沙艳伟(参编),男性不育症的中西医结合诊疗,科学出版社,2020 年 6 月。
4.李友筑、沙艳伟、严杰(主译),生殖医学遗传诊断新技术指南:改善生殖结局,中国出版集团世界图书出版社,2019 年 10 月。
5.周辉良,沙艳伟,洪锴(主译),男性不育-临床医师实用指南,中国出版集团世界图书出版社,2018 年 4 月。
6.李萍,沙艳伟(主译),宫腔内人工授精操作手册,中国出版集团世界图书出版社,2015 年 12 月。
7.李萍,沙艳伟(主译),不孕症诊疗手册,中国出版集团世界图书出版社,2015 年 12 月。