陈 宇

职称: 助理教授
学科(专业): 口腔临床医学
研究方向: 口腔正畸
邮箱: phracy@qq.com
2014/09-2016/08 福建医科大学口腔纽约国际手机登录 学士
2011/09-2014/06 山东大学口腔纽约国际手机登录 硕士
2014/09-2016/08 韩国庆熙大学牙学院 博士
2017.8 - 至今 纽约国际手机登录口腔系 助理教授
1.Chen Y, Kim KA*, Seo KW, Kang YG, et al. “A New Designed Expander Supported by Spike Miniscrews With Enhanced Stability”, J Craniofac Surg (SCI). 2016 Mar;27(2):e130-3. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000002378. (共同第一作者)
2.Chen Y*, Kim KA*, Kwon SY, Seo KW, et al. “Versatile Clinical Application of the Spike Screw: Direct Anchorage Versus Indirect Anchorage”, J Craniofac Surg (SCI). 2015 Oct;26(7):e592-5. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000002045. (共同第一作者)
3.Chen Y, Hong L, Wang CL, Zhang SJ, et al. “Effect of Large Incisor Retraction on Upper Airway Morphology in Adult Bimaxillary Protrusion Patients: Three-Dimensional Multislice Computed Tomography Registration Evaluation”, Angle Orthodontist (SCI). 2012 Nov;82(6):964-70. doi: 10.2319/110211-675.1. Epub 2012 Mar 30.
4.Kim KA, Yu JJ, Chen Y, Kim SJ, et al. “Surgery Versus Nonsurgery Option for Scissors Bite Treatment”, J Craniofac Surg (SCI). 2015 Nov;26(8):e726-9. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000002227.
5.Li L, Liu H, Cheng H, Han Y, Wang C, Chen Y, et al. “CBCT evaluation of the upper airway morphological changes in growing patients of class II division 1 malocclusion with mandibular retrusion using twin block appliance: a comparative research”, PLo SOne (SCI). 2014 Apr;9(4):e94378. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone. 0094378. eCollection 2014.
6.Chen Y. “Effect of Incisor Retraction on Upper Airway Morphology in Adult Bimaxillary Protrusion Patients”, 6th International Symposium on Dentofacial Development and Function & 11th National Congress on Orthodontics of China
7.Chen Y. “Research on The Influential Factors and Distribution of Oral Inpatients’ Hospitalization Expenses”, 2010 Taiwan Yuanpei University International Symposium on Biotechnology and Health
8.张新莲,张风河,佟冬冬,陈宇, 非血管化髂骨移植修复下颌骨缺损的临床研究,生物医学工程研究2013,32 (1): 39-43
9.曹丛,陈宇,刘东旭,应用微螺钉支抗矫治成人双颌前突拔牙患者较之前后上牙弓宽度的变化,医学信息,2013,26(10): 521
10. 国家实用新型专利:树脂核成型装置,2013(第一发明人)