副教授 研究方向:纳米毒理学、环境毒理学 邮 箱:hecy@xmu.edu.cn | 
1. 纳米材料、持久性有机污染物、新型农药等环境健康效应与毒性机制研究,探索降低毒性的干预策略和方法。
2. 天然产物、中药成分、纳米药物等毒理和药理研究。
2011/09–2012/08, Molecular and Environmental Toxicology Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA国家留学基金委公派联合培养博士
1. Mingyue Chen#, Chengyong He#,Kongyang Zhu, Zihan Chen, Zixiao Meng, Xiaoming Jiang, Jiali Cai, Chunyan Yang, Zhenghong Zuo*. Resveratrol ameliorates polycystic ovary syndrome via transzonal projections within oocyte-granulosa cell communication. Theranostics. 2022 Jan 1;12(2):782-795.
2. Songwen Ren#, You Gao#, Luanjin Wang, Ce Qiu, Lingtao Yang, Li Li, Yueyue Xiao, Nengming Xiao, Lixin Liao, Zhenghong Zuo, Chunyan Yang*, Chengyong He*. Sacran polysaccharide improves atopic dermatitis through inhibiting Th2 type immune response. Life Sciences. 2022 Jan 1;288:120205.
3. Yi Wang, Fengkai Ruan, Zhenghong Zuo, Chengyong He*. Nanoparticle-Induced m6A RNA Modification: Detection Methods, Mechanisms and Applications. Nanomaterials. 2022, 12(3), 389.
4. Fengkai Ruan#, Jie Zeng#, Hanying Yin#, Shengwei Jiang, Xisen Cao, Naying Zheng, Changshun Han, Chuchu Zhang, Zhenghong Zuo* and Chengyong He*. RNA m6A Modification Alteration by Black Phosphorus Quantum Dots Regulates Cell Ferroptosis: Implications for Nanotoxicological Assessment. Small Methods. 2021 Mar;5(3):e2001045.
5. Fengkai Ruan, Rong Liu, Jie Zeng, Kai Wang, Zhenghong Zuo, Chengyong He*, Yongxing Zhang*, Cytotoxicity of black phosphorus quantum dots on lung-derived cells and the underlying mechanisms. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021 Jan 15;402:122875.
6. Kongyang Zhu#, Chao Shen#, Chen Tang, Yixi Zhou, Chengyong He*, Zhenghong Zuo*. Improvement in the screening performance of potential aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands by using supervised machine learning. Chemosphere. 2021;265:129099.
7. Naying Zheng, Jinhui Yan, Wang Qian, Chao Song, Zhenghong Zuo, Chengyong He*. Comparison of developmental toxicity of different surface modified CdSe/ZnS QDs in zebrafish embryos. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2021 Feb;100:240-249.
8. Junxia Shi, Chenyu Liu, Mingyue Chen, Jinhui Yan, Chonggang Wang, Zhenghong Zuo*, Chengyong He*. The interference effects of bisphenol A on the synthesis of steroid hormones in human ovarian granulosa cells. Environmental Toxicology. 2021 Apr;36(4):665-674.
9. Yixi Zhou, Xue Han, Yuanyuan Bao, Zihan Zhu, Jiali Huang, Chunyan Yang, Chengyong He∗, Zhenghong Zuo*. Chronic exposure to environmentally realistic levels of diuron impacts the behaviour of adult marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma). Aquatic Toxicology. 2021 Jul 18;238:105917
. 2020
10. Chengyong He#*, Fengkai Ruan#, Shengwei Jiang#, Jie Zeng, Hanying Yin, Rong Liu, Yongxing Zhang, Laiqiang Huang, Chonggang Wang, Shaohua Ma*, Zhenghong Zuo*. Black Phosphorus Quantum Dots Cause Nephrotoxicity in Organoids, Mice and Human Cells. Small. 2020, 2001371.
11. Chen Tang, Chao Shen, Kongyang Zhu, Yixi Zhou, Yung-Jen Chuang, Chengyong He∗, Zhenghong Zuo*. Exposure to the AhR agonist cyprodinil impacts the cardiac development and function of zebrafish larvae. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2020, 201, 110808.
12. Jinhui Yan, Shujing Chen, Zhenghong Zuo, Chengyong He*, Muqing Yi*. Graphene oxide quantum dot exposure induces abnormalities in locomotor activities and mechanisms in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Journal of Applied Toxicology. 2020;40:794–803.
13. Chuanli Yang, Peiyu Han, Fengkai Ruan, Tengjian Zhou, Bing Luo, Yang Qiu, Yuchun Lin, Zhongning Lin*, Chengyong He*. Lactational exposure to environmentally relevant benzo(a)pyrene causes astrocytic activation and anxiety-like behavior in male mice. Chemosphere. 2019.221: 67e74.
14. Chengyong He#, Shengwei Jiang#, Huan Yao#, Liyin Zhang, Chuanli Yang, Shan Jiang, Fengkai Ruan, Denglin Zhan, Gang Liu, Zhongning Lin*, Yuchun Lin*, Xiaoyuan Chen. High-content analysis for mitophagy response to nanoparticles: A potential sensitive biomarker for nanosafety assessment. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine. 2019 Jan;15(1):59-69.
15. Chengyong He#, Yang Qiu#, Peiyu Han#, Yuanyuan Chen, Liyin Zhang, Quan Yuan, Tianying Zhang, Tong Cheng, Lunzhi Yuan, Chenghao Huang, Sheng Zhang, Zhenyu Yin, Xian-E Peng, Dong Liang, Xu Lin, Yuchun Lin*, Zhongning Lin*, and Ningshao Xia. ER stress regulating protein phosphatase 2A-B56γ, targeted by hepatitis B virus X protein, induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of hepatocytes. Cell Death & Disease. 2018. Jul 9;9(7):762.
16. Shengwei Jiang#, Yuchun Lin#, Huan Yao#, Chuanli Yang, Liyin Zhang, Bing Luo, Zhao Lei, Liwei Cao, Naibo Lin, Xiangyang Liu*, Zhongning Lin*, Chengyong He*. The role of unfolded protein response and ER-phagy in quantum dots-induced nephrotoxicity: an in vitro and in vivo study. Archives of Toxicology. 2018;92(541) 1-14.
17. Chengyong He# ,Shengwei Jiang#, Huan Yao#, Liyin Zhang, Chuanli Yang, Denglin Zhan, Gan Lin, Yun Zeng, Yankai Xia, Zhongning Lin*, Gang Liu*, Yuchun Lin*. Endoplasmic reticulum stress mediates inflammatory response triggered by ultra-small superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in hepatocytes. Nanotoxicology. 2018;12(10): 1198-1214.
18. Mei Chen#, Shuzhen Chen#, Chengyong He#, Shiguang Mo, Xiaoyong Wang, Gang Liu*, and Nanfeng Zheng*, Safety profile of two-dimensional Pd nanosheets for photothermal therapy and photoacoustic imaging. Nano Research. 2017;10(4): 1234–1248.
19. Chengyong He#,Shengwei Jiang#, Haijing Jin#, Shuzhen Chen, Gan Lin, Huan Yao, Xiaoyong Wang, Peng Mi, Zhiliang Ji, Yuchun Lin*, Zhongning Lin*, Gang Liu*. Mitochondrial electron transport chain identified as a novel molecular target of SPIO nanoparticles mediated cancer-specific cytotoxicity. Biomaterials. 2016;83:102-114.
20. Bing Luo#, Yuchun Lin#, Shengwei Jiang, Lianyun Huang, Huan Yao, Qunying Zhuang, Ran Zhao, Hengchuan Liu, Chengyong He*, Zhongning Lin*. Endoplasmic reticulum stress eIF2α-ATF4 pathway-mediated cyclooxygenase-2 induction regulates cadmium-induced autophagy in kidney. Cell Death & Disease. 2016;7: e2251.
21. Chengyong He, Zhenghong Zuo, Xiao Shi, Lingbin Sun, Chonggang Wang*, Pyrene exposure influences the thyroid development of Sebastiscus marmoratus embryos. Aquatic Toxicology. 2012:124-125C;28-33.
22. Chengyong He, Chonggang Wang, Bowen Li, Meifang Wu, Hong Geng, Yixin Chen, Zhenghong Zuo*. Exposure of Sebastiscus marmoratus embryos to pyrene results in neurodevelopmental defects and disturbs related mechanisms. Aquatic Toxicology. 2012;116-117: 109-115.
23. Chengyong He, Zhenghong Zuo, Xiao Shi, Ruixia Li, Donglei Chen, Xin Huang, Yixin Chen, Chonggang Wang*. Effects of Benzo(a)Pyrene on the skeletal development of Sebastiscus marmoratus embryos and the molecular mechanism involved. Aquatic Toxicology. 2011;101:335–341.
24. Chengyong He, Chonggang Wang, Yulin Zhou, Jian Li, Zhenghong Zuo*. Embryonic exposure to benzo(a)pyrene influences neural development and function in rockfish (Sebastiscus marmoratus). Neurotoxicology. 2012; 33:758-762.
25. Chengyong He, Chonggang Wang, Bowen Li, Fazhi Xie, Yixin Chen, Zhenghong Zuo*. Tissue-specific and embryonic expression of the retinoid X receptors in Sebastiscus marmoratus.Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2009; 154(2):221-228.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32071301,Kyn/AhR通路调控T细胞活化促进黑磷量子点诱导肾脏损伤的分子机制,2021/01-2024/12,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,81402648,多环芳烃通过NO介导的亚硝基化影响海马神经发育的机制研究,2015/01-2017/12,已结题,主持
3. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2020J01027,黑磷量子点小鼠肾脏损伤效应及机制研究,2020/11-2023/11,在研,主持
4. 2021年中央本级重大增减支项目课题,206030203,名贵中药资源可持续利用能力建设子课题——利用斑马鱼模型研究进口紫草中吡咯里西啶生物碱的生物安全性及机制,2021/8-2023/8,在研,主持
5. 厦门大学校长基金,20720180045,未折叠蛋白反应ATF4通路调控内质网自噬介导量子点肾损伤机制研究与应用,2018/1-2020/12,已结题,主持
6. 国家重点研发计划,2017YFA0205201,“肝癌高特异性近红外纳米成像探针的设计与合成”,2017/07-2022/06,在研,参加
7. 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(A类)(福建省教育厅科技项目),JA14004,苯并芘经NO介导蛋白亚硝基化影响海马神经发育的机制,2015/1-2017/5,已结题,主持
8. 厦门大学基本科研业务费,多环芳烃代谢调控影响神经细胞毒性的分子机制研究,2014,已结题,主持
9. 福建省自然科学基金社会发展高校产学合作项目,2021Y4006,荷蓬茶源素对高尿酸血症预防和缓解作用研究及应用示范,2021/10-2024/9,在研,参与
1. 2021年入选福建省高层次人才(C类)
2. 2021年指导本科生获得全国大学生生命科学竞赛三等奖1项
3. 2021年获得厦门大学“科创竞赛”德贞优秀指导教师奖
4. 2021年获得中国毒理学会神经毒理专业委员会与表观遗传毒理专业委员会联合学术年会青年学者论坛优秀报告奖
5. 2020年指导本科生获得全国大学生生命科学竞赛二等奖1项
6. 2014至2021年指导或协助指导研究生获得国家奖学金7人次
7. 2020年获得厦门大学清源奖教金
8. 2017年获得四川美特生物奖教金
9. 2016年获得中国毒理学会第五次中青年学者科技论坛优秀论文奖(口头汇报)
10. 2015年获得厦门大学养生堂奖教金