郑秋阳 副教授,硕士生导师 研究方向:神经系统疾病的分子机制与治疗靶点 所在系部:神经科学研究所 邮 箱:qyzheng@xmu.edu.cn 课题组网页:http://wangxlab.xmu.edu.cn |

本课题组主要聚焦于阿尔茨海默病、唐氏综合症、卒中等神经系统疾病的遗传学、病理学机制和新药物靶点的研究,近期在Nature Neuroscience、Journal of Clinical Investigation、Science Advances、Molecular Psychiatry等国际学术期刊发表多篇研究论文,系统解析了神经系统疾病的分子机制与治疗靶点。通过构建基因修饰和基因敲除小鼠模型,并结合电生理、动物行为学、药理学和多组学分析等技术方法,深入阐明神经系统疾病的遗传学、病理学机制,为临床诊断和靶向药物开发提供模型和理论依据。
2012~2016 纽约国际手机登录生理学专业 理学博士;
2009~2012 厦门大学药学院化学生物学专业 硕士研究生;
2005~2009 西北农林科技大学生命科学学院生物技术专业 理学学士。
2023~至今 纽约国际手机登录 副教授;
2019~2023 纽约国际手机登录 助理教授;
2016~2019 纽约国际手机登录 博士后;
2013~2014 美国Sanford-Burnham医学研究所 访问学者。
1. Zhao Y, Zheng Q, Hong Y, Gao Y, Hu J, Lang M, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Luo H, Zhang X, Sun H, Yan XX, Huang TY, Wang YJ, Xu H, Liu C, Wang X*. β2-microglobulin coaggregates with Aβ and contributes to amyloid pathology and cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s disease model mice. Nat Neurosci. 2023;26(7):1170-1184. PMID: 37264159.(封面论文)
2. Zhang H#, Zheng Q#, Guo T#, Zhang S#, Zheng S, Wang R, Deng Q, Yang G, Zhang S, Tang L, Qi Q, Zhu L, Zhang X-F, Luo H, Zhang X, Sun H, Gao Y, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Han A, Zhang C-S, Xu H, Wang X*. Metabolic reprogramming in astrocytes results in neuronal dysfunction in intellectual disability. Mol Psychiatry. 2022. PMID: 35338313. (# Co-first author)
3. Zheng Q#, Song B#, Li G#, Cai F#, Wu M, Zhao Y, Jiang L, Guo T, Shen M, Hou H, Zhou Y, Zhao Y, Di A, Zhang L, Zeng F, Zhang X-F, Luo H, Zhang X, Zhang H, Zeng Z, Huang T, Dong C, Qing H, Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Wang X, Wu Y, Xu H*, Song W*, Wang X*. USP25 inhibition ameliorates Alzheimer’s pathology through regulating APP processing and Aβ generation. J Clin Invest, 2022;5(132): e152170. PMID: 35229730.
4. Zheng Q#, Li G#, Wang S, Zhou Y, Liu K, Gao Y, Zhou Y, Zheng L, Zhu L, Deng Q, Wu M, Di A, Zhang L, Zhao Y, Zhang H, Sun H, Dong C, Xu H, Wang X*. Trisomy 21-induced dysregulation of microglial homeostasis in Alzheimer’s brains is mediated by USP25. Sci Adv. 2021;7(1): eabe1340. PMID: 33523861.
5. Zheng Q, Zheng X, Zhang L, Luo H, Qian L, Fu X, Liu Y, Gao Y, Niu M, Meng J, Zhang M, Bu G, Xu H, Zhang Y-W*. The Neuron-Specific Protein TMEM59L Mediates Oxidative Stress-Induced Cell Death. Mol Neurobiol. 2017;54 (6):4189-4200. PMID: 27324899.
6. Zheng Q, Huang T, Zhang L, Zhou Y, Luo H, Xu H, Wang X*. Dysregulation of Ubiquitin-Proteasome System in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Front Aging Neurosci. 2016;8:303. PMID: 28018215.
1. 厦门大学,厦门大学校长基金—中央高校优秀青年团队项目,20720230070, 2023-01至2024-12,525万元,骨干;
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,82271451,2023-01至2026-12,52万元,主持;
3. 厦门大学,厦门大学校长基金—成长基金,20720220052,2022-01至2023-12,50万元,主持;
4. 细胞应激生物学国家重点实验室(厦门大学),开放课题基金,SKLCSB2019KF012,2019-04至2020-04,8万元,主持;
5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,81701130,2018-01至2020-12,20万元,主持;
6. 中国博士后科学基金会,面上资助,2017M612130,5万元,主持。
1. 王鑫;高月;赵依妮;郑秋阳;郑爽;郎茂菊;β2-微球蛋白或其抑制剂的制药用途,2024-2-20,中国,ZL202110665803.9
2. 王鑫;马磊;付建军;郑秋阳;周立成;邓青芳;时夕蒙;李桂林;王世华;治疗阿尔茨海默病的化合物,2022-8-30,中国,ZL202010071143.7
3. 王鑫;张硕;郑秋阳;林志豪;王世华;周园园;戊酸衍生物在治疗唐氏综合征中的应用,2022-2-15,中国,ZL202011066221.0
1. Zhao Y, Zheng Q, Hong Y, Gao Y, Hu J, Lang M, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Luo H, Zhang X, Sun H, Yan XX, Huang TY, Wang YJ, Xu H, Liu C, Wang X*. β2-microglobulin coaggregates with Aβ and contributes to amyloid pathology and cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s disease model mice. Nat Neurosci. 2023;26(7):1170-1184. PMID: 37264159.(封面论文)
2. Gao Y, Hong Y, Huang L, Zheng S, Zhang H, Wang S, Yao Y, Zhao Y, Zhu L, Xu Q, Chai X, Zeng Y, Zeng Y, Zheng L, Zhou Y, Luo H, Zhang X, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Fu G, Sun H, Huang TY, Zheng Q, Xu H, Wang X*. β2-microglobulin functions as an endogenous NMDAR antagonist to impair synaptic function. Cell. 2023; 186(5): 1026-1038 e1020. PMID: 36868208.
3. Meng J#, Han L#, Zheng N, Wang T, Xu H, Jiang Y, Wang Z, Liu Z, Zheng Q, Zhang X, Luo H, Can D, Lu J, Xu H, Zhang Y-W*. Microglial Tmem59 Deficiency Impairs Phagocytosis of Synapse and Leads to Autism-Like Behaviors in Mice. J Neurosci. 2022;42(25):4958-4979. PMID: 35606143.
4. Zhang H#, Zheng Q#, Guo T#, Zhang S#, Zheng S, Wang R, Deng Q, Yang G, Zhang S, Tang L, Qi Q, Zhu L, Zhang X-F, Luo H, Zhang X, Sun H, Gao Y, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Han A, Zhang C-S, Xu H, Wang X*. Metabolic reprogramming in astrocytes results in neuronal dysfunction in intellectual disability. Mol Psychiatry. 2022. PMID: 35338313. (# Co-first author)
5. Zheng Q#, Song B#, Li G#, Cai F#, Wu M, Zhao Y, Jiang L, Guo T, Shen M, Hou H, Zhou Y, Zhao Y, Di A, Zhang L, Zeng F, Zhang X-F, Luo H, Zhang X, Zhang H, Zeng Z, Huang T, Dong C, Qing H, Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Wang X, Wu Y, Xu H*, Song W*, Wang X*. USP25 inhibition ameliorates Alzheimer’s pathology through regulating APP processing and Aβ generation. J Clin Invest, 2022;5(132): e152170. PMID: 35229730. (# Co-first author)
6. Zhang H#, Hong Y#, Yang W, Wang R, Yao T, Wang J, Liu K, Yuan H, Xu C, Zhou Y, Li G, Zhang L, Luo H, Zhang X, Du D, Sun H, Zheng Q, Zhang Y-W, Zhao Y, Zhou Y, Xu H, Wang X*. SNX14 deficiency-induced defective axonal mitochondrial transport in Purkinje cells underlies cerebellar ataxia and can be reversed by valproate. Natl Sci Rev. 2021;8(7): nwab024. PMID: 34691693
7. Zheng Q#, Li G#, Wang S, Zhou Y, Liu K, Gao Y, Zhou Y, Zheng L, Zhu L, Deng Q, Wu M, Di A, Zhang L, Zhao Y, Zhang H, Sun H, Dong C, Xu H, Wang X*. Trisomy 21-induced dysregulation of microglial homeostasis in Alzheimer’s brains is mediated by USP25. Sci Adv. 2021;7(1): eabe1340. PMID: 33523861. (# Co-first author)
8. Huo Y#, Gao Y#, Zheng Q, Zhao D, Guo T, Zhang S, Zeng Y, Cheng Y, Gu H, Zhang L, Zhu B, Luo H, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Zhang Y-W, Sun H, Xu H, Wang X*. Overexpression of Human SNX27 Enhances Learning and Memory Through Modulating Synaptic Plasticity in Mice. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020;8:595357. PMID: 33330482.
9. Zeng F#, Ma X#, Zhu L#, Xu Q, Zeng Y, Gao Y, Li G, Guo T, Zhang H, Tang X, Wang Z, Ye Z, Zheng L, Zhang H, Zheng Q, Li K, Lu J, Qi X, Luo H, Zhang X, Wang Z, Zhou Y, Yao Y, Ke R, Zhou Y, Liu Y, Sun H, Huang T, Shao Z, Xu H, Wang X*. The deubiquitinase USP6 affects memory and synaptic plasticity through modulating NMDA receptor stability. PLoS Biol. 2019;17 (12):e3000525. PMID: 31841517.
10. Zeng Y, Wang N, Guo T, Zheng Q, Wang S, Wu S, Li X, Wu J, Chen Z, Xu H, Wang X*, Lin B*. Snx27 Deletion Promotes Recovery From Spinal Cord Injury by Neuroprotection and Reduces Macrophage/Microglia Proliferation. Front Neurol. 2018;9:1059. PMID: 30619032.
11. Du Y#, Zhao Y#, Li C#, Zheng Q, Tian J, Li Z, Huang T, Zhang W*, Xu H. Inhibition of PKCdelta reduces amyloid-beta levels and reverses Alzheimer disease phenotypes. J Exp Med. 2018;215 (6):1665-1677. PMID: 29739836.
12. Zheng Q, Zheng X, Zhang L, Luo H, Qian L, Fu X, Liu Y, Gao Y, Niu M, Meng J, Zhang M, Bu G, Xu H, Zhang Y-W*. The Neuron-Specific Protein TMEM59L Mediates Oxidative Stress-Induced Cell Death. Mol Neurobiol. 2017;54 (6):4189-4200. PMID: 27324899.
13. Zheng Q, Huang T, Zhang L, Zhou Y, Luo H, Xu H, Wang X*. Dysregulation of Ubiquitin-Proteasome System in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Front Aging Neurosci. 2016;8:303. PMID: 28018215.
14. Wang X*, Zhou Y, Wang J, Tseng I C, Huang T, Zhao Y, Zheng Q, Gao Y, Luo H, Zhang X, Bu G, Hong W, Xu H*. SNX27 Deletion Causes Hydrocephalus by Impairing Ependymal Cell Differentiation and Ciliogenesis. J Neurosci. 2016;36 (50):12586-12597. PMID: 27974614.
15. Zhao Y, Tseng I C, Heyser C J, Rockenstein E, Mante M, Adame A, Zheng Q, Huang T, Wang X, Arslan P E, Chakrabarty P, Wu C, Bu G, Mobley W C, Zhang Y-W, St George-Hyslop P, Masliah E, Fraser P, Xu H*. Appoptosin-Mediated Caspase Cleavage of Tau Contributes to Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Pathogenesis. Neuron. 2015;87 (5):963-975. PMID: 26335643.
16. Hou P, Liu G, Zhao Y, Shi Z, Zheng Q, Bu G, Xu H, Zhang Y-W*. Role of copper and the copper-related protein CUTA in mediating APP processing and Abeta generation. Neurobiol Aging. 2015;36 (3):1310-1315. PMID: 25557959.
17. Wang X, Huang T, Zhao Y, Zheng Q, Thompson R C, Bu G, Zhang Y-W, Hong W, Xu H*. Sorting nexin 27 regulates Abeta production through modulating gamma-secretase activity. Cell Rep. 2014;9 (3):1023-1033. PMID: 25437557.
18. Li X#, Liu Y#, Zheng Q#, Yao G, Cheng P, Bu G, Xu H, Zhang Y-W*. Ferritin light chain interacts with PEN-2 and affects gamma-secretase activity. Neurosci Lett. 2013;548:90-94. PMID: 23685131. (# Co-first author)