发布时间: 2022年01月06日浏览次数:

赵颖俊 教授/博导







邮    箱:yjzhao@xmu.edu.cn



长期致力于衰老相关的神经退行性疾病(如阿尔茨海默症、进行性核上性麻痹)的发病机制、早期诊断及免疫治疗研究,取得了一系列创新成果:1)研发干预AD神经元死亡和丢失的免疫治疗新策略;2首次揭示遗传变异rs1768208导致神经变性及 tau 蛋白病理发生的机制;3鉴定在小胶质细胞上的新受体——TREM24首次发现阿尔茨海默症风险相关因子 SORLA 能抑制 的突触毒性;5发现多个调控 产生的新因子。Neuron3篇) J Exp Med2篇)Mol NeurodegenerSignal Transduct Target Ther 以及 J Neurosci 等主流期刊上发表40 SCI 论文, 5 年被引用次数>2200, 3 篇论文入选 ESI 高被引,单篇论文最高被引用超 500


2003~2007 厦门大学生命科学学院 学士;

2007~2009 厦门大学生物医学研究院 硕士;

2009~2012 厦门大学药学院和美国Sanford Burnham Prebys 医学研究所 联合培养博士;


2012~2018 历任美国Sanford Burnham Prebys 医学研究所博士后、研究助理教授;

2018~至今 纽约国际手机登录  教授;


1.Zhang D, Zhang W, Ming C, Gao X, Yuan H, Lin X, Mao X, Wang C, Guo X, Du Y, Shao L, Yang R, Lin Z, Wu X, Huang TY, Wang Z, Zhang YW, Xu H, Zhao Y*. P-tau217 correlates with neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease, and targeting p-tau217 with immunotherapy ameliorates murine tauopathy. Neuron. 2024; DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2024.02.017.

2.Guo X, Yan L, Zhang D, Zhao Y*. Passive immunotherapy for Alzheimer's disease. Ageing Res Rev. 2024; 94:102192.

3.Du Y, Zhao C, Liu J, Li C, Yan Q, Li L, Hao Y, Yao D, Si H, Zhao Y*, Zhang W*. Simplified regimen of combined low-dose rituximab for autoimmune encephalitis with neuronal surface antibodies. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2022;19(1):309.

4.Guo T#, Pan X#, Jiang G, Zhang D, Qi J, Shao L, Wang Z, Xu H*, Zhao Y*. Downregulating PTBP1 fails to convert astrocytes into hippocampal neurons and to alleviate symptoms in Alzheimer's mouse models. Journal of Neuroscience. 2022;42(38):7309-7317.

5.Zhang H#, Shao L#, Lin Z#, Long QX#, Yuan H#, Cai L, Jiang G, Guo X, Yang R, Zhang Z, Zhang B, Liu F, Li Z, Ma Q, Zhang YW, Huang AL*, Wang Z*, Zhao Y*, Xu H*. APOE interacts with ACE2 inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 cellular entry and inflammation in COVID-19 patients. Signal Transduction & Targeted Therapy. 2022;7(1):261.

6.Guo T#, Zhang D#, Zeng Y, Huang TY*, Xu H*, Zhao Y*. Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 2020;15(1):40(被引用超 300 次).

7.Zhao Y, Tseng IC, Heyser CJ, Rockenstein E, Mante M, Adame A, Zheng Q, Huang T, Wang X, Arslan PE, Chakrabarty P, Wu C, Bu G, Mobley WC, Zhang YW, St George- Hyslop P, Masliah E, Fraser P, Xu H. Appoptosin-Mediated Caspase Cleavage of Tau Contributes to Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Pathogenesis. Neuron (featured article). 2015; 87(5):963-75.

8.Zhao Y#, Wu X#, Li X#, Jiang LL#, Gui X, Liu Y, Sun Y, Zhu B, Pina-Crespo JC, Zhang M, Zhang N, Chen X, Bu G, An Z, Huang TY, Xu H. TREM2 is a receptor for β- amyloid which mediates microglial function. Neuron. 2018;97(5):1023-31.被引用近超400次)

9.Du Y#, Zhao Y#, Li C#, Zheng Q, Tian J, Li Z, Huang T, Zhang W, Xu H. Inhibition of PKCδ reduces amyloid-β levels and reverses Alzheimer disease phenotypes. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2018; 215(6):1665-1677.

10.Huang T#, Zhao Y#, Jiang LL, Li X, Liu Y, Sun Y, Pina-Crespo JC, Zhu B, Masliah E, Willnow TE, Pasquale EB, Xu H. SORLA attenuates EphA4 signaling and β-amyloid- induced neurodegeneration. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2017; 214(12): 3669-85.

11.Zhao Y#, Li X#, Huang T, Jiang LL, Zhang M, Cheng I HJ, Wang X, Bu G, Zhang YW, Wang Q*, Xu H*. Intracellular-trafficking of TREM2 is regulated by presenilin 1. Experimental Molecular Medicine. 2017; 49, e405.

12.Zhao Y, Wang Y, Hu J, Zhang X, Zhang YW. CutA divalent cation tolerance homolog (E. coli) (CUTA) regulates β-cleavage of β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) through interacting with β-Site APP cleaving protein 1 (BACE1). Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012; 287(14): p. 11141-50.








3.美国 Joy Cappel 年轻学者奖,2017
