吕晓雯 教授/博导
厦门大学南强青年拔尖人才 学科方向:生理学、免疫学 研究方向:染色质高维结构与功能/胚胎干细胞定向分化 所在系部:生殖调控与生殖健康研究福建省高等学校重点实验室 办公室:纽约国际手机登录成义楼211室
邮 箱:xiaowenlyu@xmu.edu.cn 实验室主页:https://xiaowenlyu-lab.mysxl.cn/ | 
目前已在ESCs的应激、定向分化、细胞周期等体系中对增强子等转录调控元件的分子机理开展了一系列研究,并在Science,Cell Stem Cell, Molecular Cell等权威学术期刊上发表论文十余篇,主要发现:1)FOXA及GATA等先锋转录因子与组蛋白修饰等染色质状态在干细胞分化过程中协同调控增强子的活性(Journal of Molecular Cell Biology,2012) 2)通过优化染色质构象捕获及其衍生技术并改进生物信息分析方案,先后在体细胞重编程、干细胞应激及定向分化过程中发现了超级增强子组成的活性染色质区室及非活性转录区组成的异染色质区室的高分辨率定位(Science,2021;Cell Stem Cell, 2016) 3)发现应激相关转录因子AP1及全能性因子OCT4等依赖染色质重塑复合物BAF激活ESCs中的增强子元件,通过锚定NIPBL转载的染色质建构性蛋白Cohesin复合物实现与靶基因的启动子间的远程互作(Molecular Cell, 2018)4)发现hESCs中活性染色质区室对DNA复制较为敏感,而H3K9me3密集分布的一类特殊异染色质能够不依赖于DNA复制机制在新合成的基因组中忠实保留H3K9me3修饰及特殊的异染色质区室结构(Science, 2021)。
1. 在ESCs的定向分化过程中,研究染色质区室化的形成及变化规律,验证核内大分子“相分离”在区室形成过程中的作用。
2. 在ESCs的定向分化过程中,研究增强子-启动子远程互作的形成及变化规律,挖掘参与时空特异性远程互作的新分子及其作用机制。
3. 研究异染色质特殊的染色质高维结构在ESCs的定向分化过程中渐变对细胞分化潜能的影响,并判断其变化对细胞周期的依赖性。
4. 开发新的生物信息算法工具和分析流程,获得更高分辨率的各层次表观遗传信息的并解读其相互间的关系对基因表达谱的影响。
2001~2005 南京农业大学生物技术专业 理学学士;
2005~2012 中国科学院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所发育生物学专业 博士;
2012~2013 中国科学院神经科学研究所 助理教授;
2014~2020 美国埃默里大学 博士后研究员;
2020~至今 纽约国际手机登录 教授
1. 自然科学基金面上项目:异染色质及先锋因子通过干扰染色质环挤压影响hESCs分化过程中增强子的功能,2025至2028,主持
2. 自然科学基金面上项目:染色质高维结构在人胚胎干细胞向胰岛β细胞分化过程中的动态变化,2022-2025,主持
3. 科技部重点研发计划:人类胚胎着床过程中的细胞分化机制研究-课题3:谱系发育异常与胚胎停育及早期流产,2021-2024,骨干
4. 科技部重点研发计划:极早产儿救治和后遗症防治关键技术研究,2023-2025,主持
1.Lyu X*, Rowley MJ, Kulik MJ, Dalton S & Corces VG*. Regulation of CTCF loop formation during pancreatic cell differentiation. Nat Commun. 2023 Oct 9; 14(1): 6314 (一作,共同通讯)
2. Qiu F, Jiang P, Zhang G, An j, Ruan K, Lyu X#, Zhou J#, Sheng W#. Priming with LSD1 inhibitors promotes the persistence and antitumor effect of adoptively transferred T cells. Nat Commun. 2024 May 21; 15:4327 (共同通讯)
3. Klein KN#, Zhao PA#, Lyu X#, Sasaki T, Bartlett DA, Singh AM, Tasan I, Zhang M, Watts LP, Hiraga S, Natsume T, Zhou X, Baslan T, Leung D, Kanemaki MT, Donaldson AD, Zhao H, Dalton S, Corces VG, Gilbert DM. Replication timing maintains the global epigenetic state in human cells. Science. 2021 Apr 23;372(6540):371-378 (共一作,# equal contribution)
4.Lyu X, Rowley MJ, Corces VG. Architectural Proteins and Pluripotency Factors Cooperate to Orchestrate the Transcriptional Response of hESCs to Temperature Stress. Molecular Cell. 2018 Sep 20;71(6):940-955.
5.Li L#, Lyu X#, Hou C#, Takenaka N, Nguyen HQ, Ong CT, Cubeñas-Potts C, Hu M, Lei EP, Bosco G, Qin ZS, Corces VG. Widespread rearrangement of 3D chromatin organization underlies polycomb-mediated stress-induced silencing. Molecular Cell. 2015 Apr 16;58(2):216-31. (共一作,# equal contribution)
6.Lyu X, Corces VG. Engineering 3D genome organization. Cell Research. 2019 Jan;29(1):1-3.
1. Lyu X*, Rowley MJ, Kulik MJ, Dalton S & Corces VG*. Regulation of CTCF loop formation during pancreatic cell differentiation. Nat Commun. 2023 Oct 9; 14(1): 6314 (一作,共同通讯)
2. Qiu F, Jiang P, Zhang G, An j, Ruan K, Lyu X#, Zhou J#, Sheng W#. Priming with LSD1 inhibitors promotes the persistence and antitumor effect of adoptively transferred T cells. Nat Commun. 2024 May 21; 15:4327 (共同通讯)
3. Klein KN#, Zhao PA#, Lyu X#, Sasaki T, Bartlett DA, Singh AM, Tasan I, Zhang M, Watts LP, Hiraga S, Natsume T, Zhou X, Baslan T, Leung D, Kanemaki MT, Donaldson AD, Zhao H, Dalton S, Corces VG, Gilbert DM. Replication timing maintains the global epigenetic state in human cells. Science. 2021 Apr 23;372(6540):371-378 (共一作,# equal contribution)
4. Yu L, Shen H, Lyu X*. Roles of Polycomb Complexes in the Reconstruction of 3D Genome Architecture during Preimplantation Embryonic Development. Genes. 2022: 13 (12), 2382 (通讯作者)
5. Lyu X, Rowley MJ, Corces VG. Architectural Proteins and Pluripotency Factors Cooperate to Orchestrate the Transcriptional Response of hESCs to Temperature Stress. Molecular Cell. 2018 Sep 20;71(6):940-955.
6. Li L#, Lyu X#, Hou C#, Takenaka N, Nguyen HQ, Ong CT, Cubeñas-Potts C, Hu M, Lei EP, Bosco G, Qin ZS, Corces VG. Widespread rearrangement of 3D chromatin organization underlies polycomb-mediated stress-induced silencing. Molecular Cell. 2015 Apr 16;58(2):216-31. (共一作,# equal contribution)
7. Lyu X, Corces VG. Engineering 3D genome organization. Cell Research. 2019 Jan;29(1):1-3.
8. Xu C#, Lu X#, Chen EZ, He Z, Uyunbilig B, Li G, Ma Y, Hui L, Xie B, Gao Y, Ding X, Hu Y, Hu P*, Han JD*, Wang X. Genome-wide roles of Foxa2 in directing liver specification. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. 2012 Dec;4(6):420-2. (共一作,#equal contribution; * corresponding authors)
9. Rowley MJ, Lyu X, Rana V, Ando-Kuri M, Karns R, Bosco G, and Corces VG. Condensin II Counteracts Cohesin and RNA Polymerase II in the Establishment of 3D Chromatin Organization. Cell Reports. 2019 Mar12;26:2890–2903.
10. Rowley MJ#, Nichols MH#, Lyu X, Ando-Kuri M, Rivera ISM, Hermetz K, Wang P, Ruan Y, Corces VG. Evolutionarily Conserved Principles Predict 3D Chromatin Organization. Molecular Cell. 2017 Sep 7;67(5):837-852.
11. Cubeñas-Potts C#, Rowley MJ#, Lyu X, Li G, Lei EP, Corces VG. Different enhancer classes in Drosophila bind distinct architectural proteins and mediate unique chromatin interactions and 3D architecture. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Feb 28;45(4):1714-1730.
12. Wilson K#, Dileep V#, Marchal C, Lyu X, Li B, Axel P, Bartlett D, Qin Z, Robins AJ, Schulz TC, Corces VG, Gilbert DM. Rapid Irreversible Transcriptional Reprogramming in Human Stem Cells Accompanied by Discordance between Replication Timing and Chromatin Compartment. Stem Cell Reports. 2019 Jul 9;13(1):193-206.
13. Jung Y, Sauria MEG, Lyu X, Cheema MS, Ausio J, Taylor J, Corces VG. Chromatin States in Mouse Sperm Correlate with Embryonic and Adult Regulatory Landscapes. Cell Reports. 2017 Feb 7;18(6):1366-1382.
14. Beagan JA, Gilgenast TG, Kim J, Plona Z, Norton HK, Hu G, Hsu SC, Shields EJ, Lyu X, Apostolou E, Hochedlinger K, Corces VG, Dekker J, Phillips-Cremins JE. Local Genome Topology Can Exhibit an Incompletely Rewired 3D-Folding State during Somatic Cell Reprogramming. Cell Stem Cell. 2016 May 5;18(5):611-24.
15. Jung YH, Gold HB, Kremsky I, Rowley MJ, Punyawai K, Buonanotte A, Lyu X, Bixler BJ, Chan AWS, and Corces VG. Maintenance of CTCF- and transcription factor-mediated interactions from gametes to the early mouse embryo. Molecular Cell. 2019 Jul 11;75(1):154-171.e5.
16. Gutierrez-Perez I#, Rowley MJ#, Lyu X, Valadez-Graham V, Ballesta-Illan E, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Kremsky IJ, Vallejo DM, Caparros E, Corces VG, Dominguez M. Ecdysone-Induced 3D Chromatin Reorganization Involves Active Enhancers Bound by Pipsqueak and Polycomb. Cell Reports. 2019 Sep 3;28(10):2715-2727.e5.