发布时间: 2022年01月06日浏览次数:

欧阳高亮 教授/博导




邮    箱:oygldz@xmu.edu.cn




1993, BSc., Nanchang University; 

2001, Ph.D., Xiamen University. 

1993-1996: Assistant, Jiangxi Medical College; 

2001-2003: Assistant Professor, Xiamen University; 

2006-2008: Research Scholar, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA; 

2003-2010: Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University; 

2010-Present: Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University.



1993-1996    江西纽约国际手机登录基础医学部   助教

2001-2003    厦门大学生命科学学院   讲师  

2003-2010    厦门大学生命科学学院   副教授

2006.2-2008.1美国加州大学伯克利分校  访问研究

2010-至今   厦门大学生命科学学院    教授

2016-至今   厦门大学特聘教授


   1. Ma H, Wang J, Zhao X, Wu T, Huang Z, Chen D, Liu Y*, Ouyang G*. Periostin promotes colorectal tumorigenesis through integrin-FAK-Src pathway-mediated YAP/TAZ activation. Cell Rep, 2020; 30(3): 793-806.e6. (*Corresponding author).

2. Ma Z, Zhao X, Deng M, Huang Z, Wang J, Wu Y, Cui D, Liu Y, Liu R*, Ouyang G*. Bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cell-derived periostin promotes B-ALL progression by modulating CCL2 in leukemia cells. Cell Rep, 2019; 26(6): 1533-1543.e4.

3. Wu T, Huang J, Wu S, Huang Z, Chen X, Liu Y, Cui D, Song G, Luo Q, Liu F*, Ouyang G*. Deficiency of periostin impairs liver regeneration in mice after partial hepatectomy. Matrix Biol, 2018; 66: 81-92.

4. Ma Z, Zhao X, Huang J, Jia X, Deng M, Cui D, Du Z, Fu G*, Ouyang G*, Xiao C*. A critical role of periostin in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia, 2017; 31(8): 1835-1837. 

5. Cui D, Huang Z, Liu Y, Ouyang G*. The multifaceted role of periostin in priming the tumor microenvironments for tumor progression. Cell Mol Life Sci, 2017; 74(23): 4287-4291.

6. Wang Z, Xiong S, Mao Y, Chen M, Ma X, Zhou X, Ma Z, Liu F, Huang Z, Luo Q, Ouyang G*. Periostin promotes immunosuppressive premetastatic niche formation to facilitate breast tumour metastasis. J Pathol, 2016; 239(4): 484-495.

7. Li Y, Wu S, Xiong S, Ouyang G*. Deficiency of periostin protects mice against methionine-choline-deficient diet-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. J Hepatol, 2015; 62(2): 495-497.

8. Huang Y, Liu W, Xiao H, Maitikabili A, Lin Q, Wu T, Huang Z, Liu F, Luo Q, Ouyang G*. Matricellular protein periostin contributes to hepatic inflammation and fibrosis. Am J Pathol, 2015; 185(3): 786-797. 

9. Wu T, Luo Q*, Ouyang G*. Periostin: a potent chemotactic factor for recruiting tumor-associated macrophage. Protein Cell, 2015; 6(4): 235-237.

10. Wu T, Wu S, Ouyang G*. Periostin: a new extracellular regulator of obesity-induced hepatosteatosis. Cell Metab, 2014; 20(4): 562-564. (Preview)

11. Liu AY, Zheng H, Ouyang G*. Periostin, a multifunctional matricellular protein in inflammatory and tumor microenvironments. Matrix Biol, 2014; 37: 150-156.

12. Wu T, Ouyang G*. Matricellular proteins: multifaceted extracellular regulators in tumor dormancy. Protein Cell, 2014; 5(4): 249-252.

13. Liu AY, Cai Y, Mao Y, Lin Y, Zheng H, Wu T, Huang Y, Fang X, Lin S, Feng Q, Huang Z, Yang T, Luo Q*, Ouyang G*. Twist2 promotes self-renewal of liver cancer stem-like cells by regulating CD24. Carcinogenesis, 2014; 35(3): 537-545.

14. Liu AY, Ouyang G*. Tumor angiogenesis: glioblastoma stem cells as a new source of pericytes. Curr Biol, 2013; 23(13): R565-R568.

15. Wang X, Liu J, Wang Z, Huang Y, Liu W, Zhu X, Cai Y, Fang X, Lin S, Yuan L, Ouyang G*. Periostin contributes to the acquisition of multipotent stem cell-like properties in human mammary epithelial cells and breast cancer cells. PLoS One, 2013; 8(8): e72962.

16. Wang Z, Ouyang G*. Periostin: a bridge between cancer stem cells and their metastatic niche. Cell Stem Cell, 2012; 10(2): 111-112. (Preview)

17. Fang X, Cai Y, Liu J, Wang Z, Wu Q, Zhang Z, Yang CJ, Yuan L, Ouyang G*. Twist2 contributes to breast cancer progression by promoting an epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cancer stem-like cell self-renewal. Oncogene, 2011; 30(47): 4707-4720. 

18.Bao S, Ouyang G, Bai X, Huang Z, Ma C, Liu M, Shao R, Anderson RM, Rich JN, Wang XF*. Periostin potently promotes metastatic growth of colon cancer by augmenting cell survival via the Akt/PKB pathway. Cancer Cell, 2004; 5(4): 329-339. 
