发布时间: 2022年01月06日浏览次数:






邮    箱:jieminzhu@xmu.edu.cn





2015-2018,澳大利亚Newcastle University,护理学,博士

2004-2006,加拿大McGill University,护理学,硕士




2020 -至今,纽约国际手机登录, 教授

2014 -2020,纽约国际手机登录,副教授

2010 - 2014,纽约国际手机登录,讲师

2009 - 2010,纽约国际手机登录,助教

2001 -2004, 暨南大学, 助教


Zheng S, Liu S, Yang Q, Chan S, Huang W, Jiang X, Zhu JM*. (2024). The effectiveness of interventions to reduce cancer-related stigma: An integrative review. Jounal of Clinical Nursing. 00:1-18.

Lin HC., Ye MZ., Lin YJ., Chen FH., Chan, W.C., Cai HX., Zhu, JM*. (2023). Mobile application of Gynecological Cancer Support program for gynecological cancer patients receiving chemotherapy in China:Multi-center randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 25. 49939. 1-15.

Huang SJ#., Yang QM#., Zheng XJ#., Chow KM., Wu JH., Zhu JM*. (2023). Predictors of surgery choices in women with early-stage breast cancer in China: a retrospective study. BMC Cancer. 23 (23), 1-11.

Liu, J., Chan, S. W., Guo, D., Lin, Q., Hunter, S., Zhu, JM., & Lee, R. (2023) Decisional Conflict, Patient Involvement, and the Associated Psychological Factors Relating to Mastectomy Decisions Among Women With Breast Cancer: A Cross-sectional Study. Cancer Nursing, June 26.

Zhang YT#., Zhu JM#., Li Sen#.,Huang LL., Fang QY., Zheng XY. (2023). The effectiveness of an internet-based support program on maternal self-efficacy, postpartum depression and social support for primiparous women during the COVID-19 pandemic: Randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023 Feb 9;11.

Lin YM#, Zhang XQ#, Huang YY#, Jia ZW, Chen J, Hou WL, Zhao LL, Wang GY, Zhu JM*. (2022). Relationship between screen viewing and sleep quality for infants and toddlers in China: A cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 10, 1-10.

Yang RM #, Ke QH #, Chan SW, Liu,Y, Lin HC, Li WG *, Zhu JM*. (2022). The relationship between frontline nurses’ skin lesions and their anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring the mediating role of fear and resilience. Journal of Nursing Management. 1-10.

Ma Zh#, Huang SJ#, Wu XQ#, Huang YY#, Chan SW, Lin YL, Zheng XJ, Zhu JM*.  (2022). Development of a Prognostic App (iCanPredict) to Predict Survival for Chinese Women with Breast Cancer: Retrospective Study.  Journal of Medical Internet Research. 24(3). e35768. 1-12.

Zhuang HZ#, Wang L#, Yu XF#, Chan SW, Gao YX, Li XQ, Gao S, Zhu JM*. (2022). Effects of Decisional Conflict, Decision Regret, and Self-stigma on Quality of Life for Breast Cancer Survivors: A Cross-Sectional, Multisite Study in China. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 00:1-12.

Liu, J., Hunter, S., Lee, R. L. T., Zhu, J., & Chan, S. W.-C. (2022). Decision regret regarding treatments among women with early-stage breast cancer: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open.12:e058425.

Liu, J., Guo, D. M., Lin, Q., Hunter, S., Lee, R. L. T., Zhu, J., & Chan, S. W.-C. (2022). Decision-making about mastectomy among Chinese women with breast cancer: a mixed-methods study protocol, BMJ Open.12:e054685.

Zhu JM., Ye ZW., Fang QY., Huang LL., Zheng XY. (2021). Surveillance of Parenting Outcomes, Mental Health and Social Support for Primiparous Women among the Rural-to-Urban Floating Population. Healthcare. 9, 1516. 1-13.

Ke, QH., Chan, W.C., Kong, Y., Fu, J.G., Li, WG., Shen, Q*., Zhu, JM*.(2021). Frontline Nurses' Willingness to Work during the Outbreak of COVID-19: A Mixed-Methods Study. Journal of Advanced Nursing.77:3880-3893.

Lin HC., Chan, W.C., Ye MZ., Wang YL.,  Liu HL., Li M., Liu  SJ., Zhu JM* (2021). A Multi-centre Randomised Controlled Trial of Mobile Gynecological Cancer Support Program for Patients with Gynecological Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy: Study Protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 00: 1-10.

Liu, J., Hunter, S., Lee, R. L. T., Zhu, J., & Chan, S. W.-C. (2021). Enhancing breast care nurses’ involvement in treatment decision-making for women with breast cancer. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 27(3):40-41.

Liu, J., Hunter, S., Lee, R. L. T., Zhu, J., & Chan, S. W.-C. (2021). Decision-Making Experience Related to Mastectomy among Women with Breast Cancer: An Integrative Review. Cancer Nurs. 01; 44(6):E670-E686. 

Liu, J., Guo, D. M., Hunter, S., Lee, R. L. T., Zhu, J., & Chan, S. W.-C. (2021). The Uptake and Factors Associated with Mastectomy among Chinese Women with Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Observational Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22(5), 1599-1606.

Zhu HH, Chen XW, Yang JQ, Wu QL, Zhu JM*, Chan, W.C. (2020). Mobile Breast Cancer e-Support Program for Chinese Women With Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy (Part 3): A Secondary Data Analysis. JMIR mHealth and uhealth. 8(9):e18896.

Hu DY#., Kong Y#., Li WG#., Han QY#., Zhang X., Zhu LX., Wan SW., Liu ZF., Shen Q., Yang JQ., He HG.,* Zhu JM.*(2020). Frontline nurses’ burnout, anxiety, depression, and fear statuses and their associated factors during the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China: A large-scale cross-sectional study. Lancet-Eclinicalmedicine, 100424:1-10.

Lin HC., Ye MZ., Chan, W.C.S., Zhu, JM*., He, HG. (2020). The effectiveness of online interventions for patients with gynaecological cancer: An integrative review. Gynecologic Oncology, 158(1):143-152.

朱海华,詹莉,林文华,朱杰敏*,Chan, W.C.,(2019) 基于自我效能理论的乳腺癌化疗患者“乳康之韵”APP留言内容的定性分析。 护理管理杂志,19(12):873-877.

Zhu, JM*., Ebert, L., Liu, XY., Wei, D., Chan, W.C., (2018). Mobile Breast Cancer e-Support Program for Chinese Women With Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy (Part 2): Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uhealth. 6 (4):e104.

Zhu, JM*., Ebert, L., Guo, DM., Yang, SM., Han, QY., Chan, W.C., (2018). Mobile Breast Cancer e-Support Program for Chinese Women With Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy (Part 1): Qualitative Study of Women’s Perceptions. JMIR mHealth and uhealth. 6 (4): e85.

Zhu, JM*., Ebert, L., Liu, XY., Chan, W.C., (2017). A mobile application of breast cancer e-support program versus routine Care in the treatment of Chinese women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Cancer. 17(1): 291.

Zhu, JM*., Ebert, L., Chan, W.C., (2017). Integrative review on the effectiveness of internet-based interactive programs for women with breast cancer undergoing treatment. Oncology Nursing Forum, 44(2):E42-E54.

Zhu, JM., Ebert, L., Xue, ZhM., Shen, Q., Chan, W.C*., (2017). Development of a Mobile Application of Breast Cancer e-Support Program for Women with Breast Cancer undergoing Chemotherapy. Technology and Health Care. 25(2):377-382.

Liu, LY., Zhu, JM., Yang, JQ., Wu, M., Ye, BL*., (2016). The effect of perinatal breastfeeding support on breastfeeding outcomes in primiparous mothers. Western Journal of Nursing Research.1-18.

Zhu, JM., He, HG., Zhou, XZ., Wei, HX., Gao, YR., Ye, BL., Liu, ZG*., Chan, W.C., (2015). Pain relief effect of breast feeding and music therapy during heel lance for healthy-term neonates in China: A randomized controlled trial. Midwifery, 31(3): 365-72.

Zhu, JM., Chan, W.C., Zhou, XZ, Ye, BL*., He, HG*., (2014). Predictors of breast feeding self-efficacy among Chinese mothers: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey. Midwifery, 30(6):705-11.

朱杰敏,章慧燕,王靓妮,等. (2012). 产科护士母乳喂养知识水平及其影响因素的现状调查, 护理管理杂志,,9(12):622-624.

朱杰敏,叶本兰,陈美琴,郑旭娟. (2012). 慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者稳定期自我管理水平及其影响因素的研究, 护理管理杂志, 5 (12):308-310.

郑旭娟, 叶本兰,朱杰敏*. (2012). 慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者自我管理行为的研究进展, 中国实用护理杂志, 9,318-320.

朱杰敏,叶本兰,李娟,郑旭娟*. (2011). 概念图在培养护理本科生评判性思维能力中的应用, 护理管理杂志, 11(11):800-802.

朱杰敏,李伟丽,沈曲*,杨金秋. (2010). 孕妇对母乳喂养自信心及其影响因素的研究.护理管理杂志, 10(7):464-467.

朱杰敏,张锦辉,沈曲,叶本兰. (2010). 加拿大麦吉尔大学护理硕士教学及其启示.护理学杂志, 25(7):77-78.

朱杰敏,杨金秋,沈曲,陈美琴. (2010). 角色扮演在《护理专业英语》教学中的应用. 中国护理管理, 10(7):47-48.









Hunter Cancer Research Alliance, Australia. HCRA_177,2017-2018,主持;







Best Oral Presentation,8th Nursing Symposium on Cancer Care, The Chinese University of Hongkong, Hongkong,2018

Faculty Best Publication HDR Award,Faculty of Health and Medicine, University of Newcastle, Australia,2017

Implementation Science Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Student Award,Hunter Cancer Research Alliance, Australia,2017


Study protocol: An app-based mindfulness breast care programme on stigma for breast cancer survivors in China


Study protocol.pdf
