郑世进 教授/博导
学科(方向):免疫代谢学 办公电话:+86-592-2188846 邮 箱:jamescheng@xmu.edu.cn | 
本课题组主要研究兴趣为探讨免疫代谢调控及表观遗传学如何影响先天免疫系统的功能。希冀能藉由在细胞及分子层次了解此二者对於先天免疫细胞,诸如单核球细胞及巨噬细胞之功能命运的影响,进一步进行转译医学研究,包括在小鼠模型中探讨tumor associated macrophages(癌症内之巨噬细胞)如何影响癌细胞之功能,肥胖导致之代谢疾病丶动脉粥状病变以及败血症等临床疾病之致病机转及潜在医疗应用。欢迎有对免疫系统有兴趣的学生加入我们的研究团队。
2012年,荷兰Radboud University,博士学位;
2013-2014年,荷兰University Medical Center Nijmegen,博士后研究员;
2015-2016年,哈佛大学暨麻省理工学院Broad Institute,资深博士后研究员;
1.Arts RJ, Huang PK, Yang D, Joosten AB, Van der Meer JWM, Oppenheim JJ, Netea MG, Cheng SC*. High-Mobility Group Nucleosome-Binding Protein 1 as Endogenous Ligand Induces Innate Immune Tolerance in a TLR4-Sirtuin-1 Dependent Manner in Human Blood Peripheral Mononuclear Cells. Frontiers in Immunology, 2018 9:256
2.Visschedijk MC, Spekhorst LM, Cheng SC, van Loo ES, Jansen BHD, Blokzijl T, Kil H, de Jong DJ, Pierik M, Maljaars JPWJ, van der Woude CJ, van Bodegraven AA, Oldenburg B, Löwenberg M, Nieuwenhuijs VB, Imhann F, van Sommeren S, Alberts R, Xavier RJ, Dijkstra G, Faber KN, Aldaz CM, Weersma RK, Festen EAM. Genomic and expression analyses identify a disease modifying variant for fibrostenotic Crohn's disease. J Crohns Colitis. 2018
3.Arts RJ, Novakovic B, Ter Horst R, Carvalho A, Bekkering S, Lachmandas E, Rodrigues F, Silvestre R, Cheng SC, Wang SY, Habibi E, Gonçalves LG, Mesquita I, Cunha C, van Laarhoven A, van de Veerdonk FL, Williams DL, van der Meer JW, Logie C, O'Neill LA, Dinarello CA, Riksen NP, van Crevel R, Clish C, Notebaart RA, Joosten LA, Stunnenberg HG, Xavier RJ, Netea MG. Glutaminolysis and Fumarate Accumulation Integrate Immunometabolic and Epigenetic Programs in Trained Immunity. Cell Metab. 2016 pii: S1550-4131(16)30539-3. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2016.10.008
4.Lachmandas E, Beigier-Bompadre M, Cheng SC, Kumar V, van Laarhoven A, Wang X, Ammerdorffer A, Boutens L, de Jong D, Kanneganti TD, Gresnigt MS, Ottenhoff TH, Joosten LA, Stienstra R, Wijmenga C, Kaufmann SH, van Crevel R, Netea MG. Rewiring cellular metabolism via the AKT/mTOR pathway contributes to host defence against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human and murine cells. Eur J Immuno. 2016 46(11):2574-2586
5.Cheng SC, Scicluna BP, Arts RJ, Gresnigt MS, Lachmandas E, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Kox M, Manjeri GR, Wagenaars JA, Cremer OL, Leentjens J, van der Meer AJ, van de Veerdonk FL, Bonten MJ, Schultz MJ, Willems PH, Pickkers P, Joosten LA, van der Poll T, Netea MG. Broad defects in the energy metabolism of leukocytes underlie immunoparalysis in sepsis. Nat Immunol 2016 Apr;17(4):406-13.
6.Cao Z, Conway KL, Heath RJ, Rush JS, Leshchiner ES, Ramirez-Ortiz ZG, Nedelsky NB, Huang H, Ng A, Gardet A, Cheng SC, Shamji AF, Rioux JD, Wijmenga C, Netea MG, Means TK, Daly MJ, Xavier RJ. Ubiquitin Ligase TRIM62 Regulates CARD9-Mediated Anti-fungal Immunity and Intestinal Inflammation. Immunity 2015 20;43(4):715-26
7.Cheng SC, Quintin J, Cramer RA, Shepardson KM, Saeed S, Kumar V, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Martens JH, Rao NA, Aghajanirefah A, Manjeri GR, Li Y, Ifrim DC, Arts RJ, van der Veer BM, Deen PM, Logie C, O'Neill LA, Willems P, van de Veerdonk FL, van der Meer JW, Ng A, Joosten LA, Wijmenga C, Stunnenberg HG, Xavier RJ, Netea MG. mTOR- and HIF-1α-mediated aerobic glycolysis as metabolic basis for trained immunity. Science. 2014 26;345(6204):1250684.
8.Kumar V*, Cheng SC*, Johnson MD, Smeekens SP, Wojtowicz A, Giamarellos-Bourboulis E, Karjalainen J, Franke L, Withoff S, Plantinga TS, van de Veerdonk FL, van der Meer JW, Joosten LA, Sokol H, Bauer H, Herrmann BG, Bochud PY, Marchetti O, Perfect JR, Xavier RJ, Kullberg BJ, Wijmenga C, Netea MG. Immunochip SNP array identifies novel genetic variants conferring susceptibility to candidaemia. Nat Commun. 2014 8;5:4675 *co-first author
9.Cheng SC, van de Veerdonk FL, Lenardon M, Stoffels M, Plantinga T, Smeekens S, Rizzetto L, Mukaremera L, Preechasuth K, Cavalieri D, Kanneganti TD, van der Meer JW, Kullberg BJ, Joosten LA, Gow NA, Netea MG, The dectin-1/inflammasome/Th17 pathway discriminates between invasion and colonization with Candida albicans. J Leukoc Biol. 2011 Aug;90(2):357-66 (Selected high cited paper of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology, >90 citations)
10.Oosting M, Cheng SC, Bolscher JM, Vestering-Stenger R, Plantinga TS, Verschueren IC, Arts P, Garritsen A, van Eenennaam H, Sturm P, Kullberg BJ, Hoischen A, Adema GJ, van der Meer JW, Netea MG, Joosten LA. Human TLR10 is an anti-inflammatory pattern-recognition receptor. PNAS. 2014 21;111
11.van de Veerdonk FL, Marijnissen RJ, Kullberg BJ, Koenen HJ, Cheng SC, Joosten I, van den Berg WB, Williams DL, van der Meer JW, Joosten LA, Netea MG. The macrophage mannose receptor induces IL-17 in response to Candida albicans, Cell Host Microbe 2009, 23;5(4):329-40
12.Chen ST, Lin YL, Huang MT, Wu MF, Cheng SC, Lei HY,Lee CK, Wong CH, Hsieh SL, CLEC5A is Critical for Dengue Virus-Induced Lethal Disease, Nature 2008, 453, 672-676
13.Rizzetto L, Ifrim DC, Moretti S, Tocci N, Cheng SC, Quintin J, Renga G, Oikonomou V, De Filippo C, Weil T, Blok BA, Lenucci MS, Santos MA, Romani L, Netea MG, Cavalieri D Fungal chitin induces trained immunity in human monocytes during cross-talk of the host with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biol Chem. 2016 Feb 17
14.Oosting M, Buffen K, Cheng SC, Verschueren IC, Koentgen F, van de Veerdonk FL, Netea MG, Joosten LA. Borrelia-induced cytokine production is mediated by spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) but is Dectin-1 and Dectin-2 independent. Cytokine. 2015 doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2015.08.005.
15.Jaeger M*, van der Lee R*, Cheng SC*, Johnson MD, Kumar V, Ng A, Plantinga TS, Smeekens SP, Oosting M, Wang X, Barchet W, Fitzgerald K, Joosten LA, Perfect JR, Wijmenga C, van de Veerdonk FL, Huynen MA, Xavier RJ, Kullberg BJ, Netea MG. The RIG-I-like helicase receptor MDA5 (IFIH1) is involved in the host defense against Candida infections. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2015 34(5):963-74 *co-first author
16. Smeekens SP, Gresnigt MS, Becker KL, Cheng SC, Netea SA, Jacobs L, Jansen T, van de Veerdonk FL, Williams DL, Joosten LA, Dinarello CA, Netea MG. An anti-inflammatory property of Candida albicans β-glucan: Induction of high levels of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist via a Dectin-1/CR3 independent mechanism. Cytokine. 2015 71(2):215-22
17.Saeed S, Quintin J, Kerstens HH, Rao NA, Aghajanirefah A, Matarese F, Cheng SC, Ratter J, Berentsen K, van der Ent MA, Sharifi N, Janssen-Megens EM, Ter Huurne M, Mandoli A, van Schaik T, Ng A, Burden F, Downes K, Frontini M, Kumar V, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Ouwehand WH, van der Meer JW, Joosten LA, Wijmenga C, Martens JH, Xavier RJ, Logie C, Netea MG, Stunnenberg HG. Epigenetic programming of monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation and trained innate immunity. Science. 2014 26;345(6204):1251086
18.Cheng SC, Joosten LA, Netea MG. The interplay between central metabolism and innate immune responses. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2014 25(6):707-13.
19.Quintin J, Cheng SC, van der Meer JW, Netea MG. Innate immune memory: towards a better understanding of host defense mechanisms. Curr Opin Immunol. 2014 29:1-7
20.Laayouni H, Oosting M, Luisi P, Ioana M, Alonso S, Ricaño-Ponce I, Trynka G, Zhernakova A, Plantinga TS, Cheng SC, van der Meer JW, Popp R, Sood A, Thelma BK, Wijmenga C, Joosten LA, Bertranpetit J, Netea MG. Convergent evolution in European and Rroma populations reveals pressure exerted by plague on Toll-like receptors. PNAS. 2014 18;111(7):2668-73
21. Lowman DW, Greene RR, Bearden DW, Kruppa MD, Pottier M, Monteiro MA, Soldatov DV, Ensley HE, Cheng SC, Netea MG, Williams DL. Novel structural features in Candida albicans hyphal glucan provide a basis for differential innate immune recognition of hyphae versus yeast. J Biol Chem. 2014 7;289(6):3432-43
22. Smeekens SP, Ng A, Kumar V, Johnson MD, Plantinga TS, van Diemen C, Arts P, Verwiel ET, Gresnigt MS, Fransen K, van Sommeren S, Oosting M, Cheng SC, Joosten LA, Hoischen A, Kullberg BJ, Scott WK, Perfect JR, van der Meer JW, Wijmenga C, Netea MG, Xavier RJ. Functional genomics identifies type I interferon pathway as central for host defense against Candida albicans. Nat Commun. 2013;4:1342
23.Ene IV, Cheng SC, Netea MG, Brown AJ. Growth of Candida albicans cells on the physiologically relevant carbon source lactate affects their recognition and phagocytosis by immune cells. Infect Immun. 2013 Jan;81(1):238-48
24. Cheng SC, Sprong T, Joosten LA, van der Meer JW, Kullberg BJ, Hube B, Schejbel L, Garred P, van Deuren M, Netea MG. Complement plays a central role in Candida albicans-induced cytokine production by human PBMCs. Eur J Immunol. 2012 Apr;42(4):993-1004.
25. Cheng SC, Joosten LA, Kullberg BJ, Netea MG, Interplay between Candida albicans and the mammalian innate host defense. Infect Immun. 2012 Apr;80(4):1304-13.
26.Cheng SC, van de Veerdonk F, Smeekens S, Joosten LA, van der Meer JW, Kullberg BJ, Netea MG, Candida albicans dampens host defense by downregulating IL-17 production. J Immunol. 2010 Aug 15;185(4):2450-7
27. Chai LY, van de Veerdonk F, Marijnissen RJ, Cheng SC, Khoo AL, Hectors M, Lagrou K, Vonk AG, Maertens J, Joosten LA, Kullberg BJ, Netea MG. Anti-Aspergillus human host defence relies on type 1 T helper (Th1), rather than type 17 T helper (Th17), cellular immunity, Immunology 2010 May;130(1):46-54
28. Cheng SC, Chai LY, Joosten LA, Vecchiarelli A, Hube B, Van Der Meer JW, Kullberg BJ, Netea MG. Candida albicans releases soluble factors that potentiate cytokine production by human cells through a protease-activated receptor 1- and 2-independent pathway, Infect Immun. 2010, 78(1):393-9
29. Hsu TL, Cheng SC, Yang WB, Chin SW, Chen BH, Huang MT, Hsieh SL, Wong CH. Profiling carbohydrate-receptor interaction with recombinant innate immunity receptor-Fc fusion proteins, J Biol Chem. 2009 11;284(50):34479-89