发布时间: 2023年12月31日浏览次数:







本课题组致力于天然免疫方面的研究,前期工作发表在Immunity, PLOS Pathogens, The Journal of Immunology等国际学术期刊,主要关注于cGAS-STINGRLR-MAVS两条抗病毒天然免疫信号通路的活化机制,解析了STING转位及活化机制、STINGMAVS活化IKK家族激酶的机制。课题组将综合利用全基因组遗传筛选、生物化学、先进成像等相关技术手段,深入研究天然免疫信号通路的活化及调控机制,促进对感染和免疫相关疾病的理解,为相关疾病的治疗和药物开发提供重要的理论依据。主要方向包括:

1. 宿主识别及抵抗病原入侵的机制;

2. 病原与宿主的相互作用;

3. 天然免疫与疾病(自身免疫病、肿瘤)。


2012~2018 北京大学 细胞生物学专业 理学博士

2008~2012 华中科技大学 生物技术专业 理学学士


2023~至今 纽约国际手机登录 教授

2018~2023 北京大学生命科学学院 博士后


1. Fang, R#, Jiang, Q#, Jia, X, Jiang, Z. ARMH3-mediated recruitment of PI4KB directs Golgi-to-endosome trafficking and activation of the antiviral effector STING. Immunity. 2023 March 14; 56(3):500-515.e6.

2. Fang, R, Jiang, Q, Yu, X, Zhao, Z, Jiang, Z. Recent advances in the activation and regulation of the cGAS-STING pathway. Adv Immunol. 2022;156:55-102.

3. Fang, R#, Jiang, Q#, Guan, Y, Gao, P, Zhang, R, Zhao, Z, Jiang, Z. Golgi apparatus-synthesized sulfated glycosaminoglycans mediate polymerization and activation of the cGAMP sensor STING. Immunity. 2021 May 11;54(5):962-975.e8.

4. Fang R, Jiang Q, Zhou X, Wang C, Guan Y, Tao J, Xi J, Feng JM, Jiang Z. MAVS activates TBK1 and IKKε through TRAFs in NEMO dependent and independent manner. PLoS Pathog. 2017 Nov 10;13(11):e1006720.

5. Fang R, Wang C, Jiang Q, Lv M, Gao P, Yu X, Mu P, Zhang R, Bi S, Feng JM, Jiang Z. NEMO-IKKβ Are Essential for IRF3 and NF-κB Activation in the cGAS-STING Pathway. J Immunol. 2017 Nov 1;199(9):3222-3233.


1. 厦门大学南强青年拔尖人才支持计划启动经费,2023-2029,主持。


1. Fang, R#, Jiang, Q#, Jia, X, Jiang, Z. ARMH3-mediated recruitment of PI4KB directs Golgi-to-endosome trafficking and activation of the antiviral effector STING. Immunity. 2023 March 14; 56(3):500-515.e6.

2. Fang, R, Jiang, Q, Yu, X, Zhao, Z, Jiang, Z. Recent advances in the activation and regulation of the cGAS-STING pathway. Adv Immunol. 2022;156:55-102.

3. Fang, R#, Jiang, Q#, Guan, Y, Gao, P, Zhang, R, Zhao, Z, Jiang, Z. Golgi apparatus-synthesized sulfated glycosaminoglycans mediate polymerization and activation of the cGAMP sensor STING. Immunity. 2021 May 11;54(5):962-975.e8.

4. Fang R, Jiang Q, Zhou X, Wang C, Guan Y, Tao J, Xi J, Feng JM, Jiang Z. MAVS activates TBK1 and IKKε through TRAFs in NEMO dependent and independent manner. PLoS Pathog. 2017 Nov 10;13(11):e1006720.

5. Fang R, Wang C, Jiang Q, Lv M, Gao P, Yu X, Mu P, Zhang R, Bi S, Feng JM, Jiang Z. NEMO-IKKβ Are Essential for IRF3 and NF-κB Activation in the cGAS-STING Pathway. J Immunol. 2017 Nov 1;199(9):3222-3233.

6. Yu X, Zhang L, Shen J, Zhai Y, Jiang Q, Yi M, Deng X, Ruan Z, Fang R, Chen Z, Ning X, Jiang Z. The STING phase-separator suppresses innate immune signalling. Nat Cell Biol. 2021 Apr;23(4):330-340.

7. Wang Y, Ning X, Gao P, Wu S, Sha M, Lv M, Zhou X, Gao J, Fang R, Meng G, Su X, Jiang Z. Inflammasome Activation Triggers Caspase-1-Mediated Cleavage of cGAS to Regulate Responses to DNA Virus Infection. Immunity. 2017 Mar 21;46(3):393-404.

8. Xu X, Dong GX, Schmidt-Küntzel A, Zhang XL, Zhuang Y, Fang R, Sun X, Hu XS, Zhang TY, Yang HD, Zhang DL, Marker L, Jiang ZF, Li R, Luo SJ. The genetics of tiger pelage color variations. Cell Res. 2017 Jul;27(7):954-957.

9. Leng F, Yin H, Qin S, Zhang K, Guan Y, Fang R, Wang H, Li G, Jiang Z, Sun F, Wang DC, Xie C. NLRP6 self-assembles into a linear molecular platform following LPS binding and ATP stimulation. Sci Rep. 2020 Jan 13;10(1):198.

